Acts 13 talks about the early church praying fervently waiting for God’s guidance in their next step in ministry. The Bible clearly tells us that while they were fasting and worshipping the Holy Spirit himself called out Barnabas and Saul for carrying God’s word to the places around. With the assurance of God’s call, both set out from Antioch and proceeded towards Seleucia and then to Cyprus and reached Salamis.
While the two were ministering in Salamis, from nowhere a third person joins their team whose name is ‘John Mark’ and Bible says that he was their helper. It’s definitely very appreciative of John Mark to willingly help them in their ministry. From Salamis they moved to Paphos and interestingly John Mark was still following them and helping them all along. In v13 there is a twist in the story when they reached Pamphylia, John Mark left them and returned to Jerusalem.
If you notice carefully, John Mark is talked about only in two verses; when he enters the scene and the next time when he abandons the ministry. It’s evident how when the spirit of God is not involved in the calling for ministry, people easily waver. But Paul and Barnabas continued to work their vision for the Lord in the places where they travelled.
Two chapters later, in Acts 15:36, we see how Paul wanted to go back to each of the places they had visited earlier to encourage the believers. Accordingly when they reached Antioch, they met John Mark again. Something peculiar happened here…Barnabas, who was chosen by the spirit of God, insisted on taking John Mark again with them. But Paul who had witnessed his lack of commitment in Pamphylia, objected. A disgraceful event took place when there arose a sharp disagreement between Paul and Barnabas and they split!
Could you believe, two people called out by the spirit of God and who had been together ministering all the while, separating because of a deceiver like John Mark? I am surprised about the decision of Barnabas to support John Mark though he forsook them in between. The reason is Barnabas was influenced by John Mark for some reason. Instead of waiting on the Spirit of God whether to involve John Mark or not, he wanted him at any cost. Hence their ministry split. Paul chose Silas and Barnabas chose John Mark.
It’s pathetic to know that Barnabas and John Mark didn’t make any impact later. In fact there’s nothing that the Bible talks about their ministry ever again. But on the other hand Paul and Silas shook the places where they went and thousands were added to the church.
Today message is: John Marks are all out there in the world. We never know how they come and how they disappear. But they certainly influence us in the little while they are. We may later dare to argue with God for their sake … yes, John Marks like comfort, pride, laziness, sensuality and what not. They just rub gently and disappear and before we could realize we are already deep down there.
What or Who is your John Mark today? If you examine yourself you may be surprised about how many John Marks that have blinded you from your real vision. Chuck the John Marks out in the name of Jesus and head straight towards your destiny in Christ and be a History maker!
Lord Jesus, please remove any hindrances that may come in between in my race towards my goal. Help me to obey your words and work according to Your will alone. Amen
Friday, February 29, 2008
John Mark!
Posted by
John Manoah
12:23 AM
Labels: comfort, disagreement between Paul and Barnabas, History maker, John Mark, Lack of commitment, laziness, Pride, Saul and Barnabas
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Decision to Determination
When the Israelites were under the Roman regime, the Romans made use of the opportunity and enslaved them in every way they could. One of the many means they employed slavery was ‘tax’. They extracted every pie in the name of tax. Since it was a blatant misuse of power they employed ruthless inconsiderate tax collectors who usurped hard earned money from the Jews. The Jews hated the tax collectors and generally referred them as ‘sinners’.
On the other hand, the tax collectors had a ball of their life time. Since they had power and authority with fear of people, they grew rich. Most of the money they snatched from the people didn’t reach the government but filled their own pockets. The Jews became accustomed to paying tax without questioning fearing whipping and thumping on refusal.
Among the tax collectors, the Bible talks about one Chief tax collector in Luke 19 who was very rich, had authority and earned the fear of people on him. One thing he lacked was that he was short unlike the other tough, muscular tax collectors. Zacchaeus, though being a sinner (Chief sinner in his case!) he had an urge to see Jesus(v3). I love that part than all the others…He wanted to see Jesus!
The street in Jericho was swarming with people. Everyone was eager for Jesus’ arrival. It was like the whole of Jericho squeezed into a street. Not an inch of space was available. Every single spot was occupied and everyone was waiting for that moment for Jesus to enter. Zacchaeus arrived just in time and found that he wouldn’t be able to see Jesus because of the crowd. He would have certainly tried to squeeze himself into the crowd to reach for the front row so that he could get a glimpse of Jesus. But the tall sturdy Jews wouldn’t let him in because of their hatred towards tax collectors.
This is the most important part…Though Zacchaeus took a decision to see Jesus, the circumstances didn’t allow him to do that. Remember Zacchaeus was a chief tax collector, a person of high state in the government. All he could do was to humble himself to a point where he could himself come and see Jesus. But as things around him didn’t seem to help him by anyway, it would have been a perfectly valid resort to backup and head home. He could later use his power and authority to bring Jesus to his home!
This is where Zacchaeus stands out…the reason why his name is mentioned in the Bible is because circumstances didn’t matter to him. At that moment, his decision became his determination. He determined to see Jesus whatever it may cost! He spotted a tree and climbed on it. Could you imagine a Chief tax collector climbing a tree? Yes, when you are determined to see Jesus, you would dare to at any cost. My Jesus can never forsake a yearning heart. Among the thousands gathered there, Jesus stopped by that tree, looked up and called him by name, “Zacchaeus, you come down from there. I want to stay at your house today” (v5)
Later, when Jesus entered his home, true salvation came and Zacchaeus gave half of his property to the poor and returned four times what he usurped from the people (v8).
Today we may have been a Christian for a pretty long time now. Every time we decide to seek Jesus we falter on the way due to circumstances. Generally these circumstances are so genuine that we justify ourselves and compromise. It is only when we determine, take a stand to see Jesus at any cost, we would see His face and He would stop by, call us by name and walk into our homes. That is true salvation.
Lord Jesus, help me to have a determined heart to seek you. Whatever may hinder, let me determine to see you alone. Amen
Posted by
John Manoah
9:40 AM
Labels: Decision to Determination, Seeking the face of God, Tax collectors, True Salvation, Zacchaeus, Zacchaeus' determination
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
The 3rd Perspective – Courtesy satan!
The Bible begins with the creation of the earth and everything within it. The Bible says God said and it was there. In the process God created man and woman and placed them on the earth and gave them authority over all His creation. The Garden of Eden was such a beautiful place to live and Adam & Eve enjoyed the beauty of God’s creation.
In Genesis 2:9, it says God made trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. The next verse goes on to say that the tree of life and the tree of knowledge were in the middle of the garden. It’s like this - every time Adam and Eve saw a fruit, they felt good because it was pleasing to the eye and good for food. They would immediately reach for it and satisfy their hunger. It became a day by day routine for them to just go ahead and have what God has provided for them. But remember, whenever they saw the forbidden tree, though it was pleasing to the eye and good for food like all the other trees, they reminded themselves of God’s commandment and withdrew.
Later we see how the serpent with his craftiness hit a conversation with the woman. Chapter 3:1-5 describes how satan was able to convince her in no time. A startling climax to this whole epic can be noticed in verse 6. It says “When the woman saw the fruit was good for food and pleasing to eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it”. Did you notice that 3rd point-of-view, “and also desirable for gaining wisdom”? This is called the “3rd Perspective” (3P) and the credit goes to satan for inventing it!!
Everything God created is awesome. It has its best use when used properly. Satan’s primary job is to exaggerate and bring a new perspective to it which always leads us to sin. That was exactly what happened in the Garden of Eden and is still continuing in our everyday lives. We are able to praise God for His goodness and are willing to obey His laws. Life seems to be pleasant with this kind of a set-up. It is when we allow satan to influence our lives, he brings the 3P to take us away from God.
With faith and trust in God, unwanted theories about God’s existence is 3P
With Wealth and prosperity, lust for more money is 3P
With love and faithfulness in marriage, extra-marital pleasure is 3P
With sincerity and commitment in work, desire to reach high by immoral means is 3P
and the list goes on...
As I say in all my other posts, the best way to keep away from the evil one is the Word of God and Prayer. The more you meditate on His word and keep a constant relationship with God, farther goes Satan and closer you go to God. There can never be an instance for satan to even give you an idea about 3P as you walk with God.
Beware of 3P!
Lord, help me to get closer and closer to you by meditating Your Word so that I keep away from satan and all his craftiness. Amen
Posted by
John Manoah
11:16 AM
Labels: 3P, creation, fall of man, meditating the word of God, satan's craftiness, the 3rd perspective
Monday, February 11, 2008
The 3 I’s (eyes!) for a Visionary
Vision closely relates to sight. Yes, a child of God without a vision is supposed to be ‘spiritually blind’. We need to catch the vision from God and work towards it. That is the very purpose of our calling. A man of God once said, “You are called to do something”. The vision that I am referring to is the burden for ministry God places in our hearts once we accept Him. It may be different for each one but there is a vision for each one of us for sure.
In Esther 4:14, Mordecai’s message to Esther was to do what she was supposed to do in her state. He adds that if she is not willing to do it God will use someone; “If you remain silent help and deliverance will arise from another place”. It means that God has kept us in the place where we are to accomplish His visions through us. If we fail He may use someone else but we would lose a great opportunity to serve the Master.
Today, if you are yet to catch the vision or struggling to work it out here is a simple principle that could help you; the 3 I’s or the “Three Eyes” principle.
Initiative – Take the initiative yourself, today! There’s never a tomorrow in doing God’s work. Proverbs 21:31: The horse is prepared for battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord. Did you notice the first part? The “making ready” is our part and victory is His part. We need to take the initiative first for God to make it a success for us. When Ruth clung to her mother-in-law and returned to Bethlehem, which was a foreign country for her, she caught the vision that God has something to accomplish through her. In Ruth 2:2, she herself came forward and said “Let me go to the fields…” It was in the fields she met Boaz and ended up being his wife and later became the great grandmother of Jesus Christ. Unless you make the first move, it is foolishness to wait for God to kick-start your vision.
Innovation – We live in a competitive world. Unless your ways are unique you are never going to make it. Whatever you do, do it in style, in a unique way so that you make it faster and easier than others! The same applies for ministry. When you have a burden, do not try to do it the old-fashion way. Try to add some spice by being innovative. Genesis 30 talks about how Jacob chose an innovative approach to gain all the healthy and strong among the flocks. Innovation is attained through God’s wisdom and if you lack wisdom, God’s promise in James 1:5 says “God will generously give”. All you need to do is ‘Ask’. So the next time you do something, be innovative!
Industrious – Somehow, initiatives and innovations do not make sense unless you put into action and complete it. This is where ‘being industrious’ comes to the picture. Many struggle at this point. They are able to take the initiative and sometimes be innovative too but somewhere down the line lose track because they are not willing to work for it. Proverbs 6:6 shows an example of how ants though being weak insects, work during summer and gather food during harvest. Laziness is satan’s tool to keep you from accomplishing God’s vision. Proverbs 6:10, ‘A little sleep and a little slumber and poverty will come to you as a bandit’. You need to take that extra effort to reach that extra-mile. You need to run the race and complete it to receive the prize. 'Being industrious' is the key!
Lord Jesus, please help me take the initiative, be innovative and work tirelessly until I accomplish Your vision for me. Amen.
Posted by
John Manoah
8:58 AM
Labels: Catch the vision, Industrious, Initiatives in ministry, Innovation in Bible, Run the race, Visionary
Thursday, February 7, 2008
The Attitude of Faith
Hebrews 11 is supposed to be the absolute tutorial for faith. The author begins with the definition of faith and goes on to explain it. This chapter details how faith has taken its place right from the creation of the world and how impossible it is to please God without faith (v6). I love this chapter because the author keeps emphasizing the fact that it was through faith that all the men of God were able to attain what they wanted from God.
Today, I am going to brush up a little on the levels of faith so that we could evaluate ourselves where we stand in our level of faith. Faith needs to grow and reach levels. We could categorize the levels of faith as
Little Faith – Mathew 8:26। A basic level of faith prevalent in spiritually immature Christians. Everything is perfect when everything else is perfect but their faith tosses as the boat tosses. The disciples in their early stages were of little faith. They were able to enjoy the company of God and second His miracles but when it came to facing troubles they wavered. Today, are you of little faith?
Faith with visible proofs – John 20:25। Here we see Thomas, a disciple of Jesus, who had been with Him and witnessed all His miracles, heard His teachings and the things that are going to happen, now doubting Jesus’ resurrection. He says “Unless I see the nail marks on His hands & put my hand and test myself, I will not believe it”. Did you notice the phrase “I will not believe it”? Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as being sure of what we do not see. Today, are you ready to be sure of what you do not see?
Faith in action – Every miracle that Jesus did turned a whole bunch of crowds to Him। People questioned His authority, but were ready to believe Him if they witnessed a miracle. This attitude is more of a “He did it so I believe Him” -typically a faith that depends on actions. These people may easily waver when later a miracle is delayed or not done because they have faith in actions and not in the Miracle Worker. Today, is your faith based on what God did?
Real faith or Faith of Faiths – Daniel 3:13. This chapter talks about 4 young men refusing to bow before an idol. The king ordered them to be thrown into a furnace of fire. When the king questioned them they replied “O king, the God that we serve is able to rescue us”. I love the verse (v.18) which says “But even if He doesn’t we will still not bow before the idol”. Did you notice the level of faith where they stand? They decided that whatever God does is for their good; if He saves them or doesn’t. Their faith was not on the miracle but on God. So whether God saves them or not wasn’t important.
This is called the real faith or Faith of Faiths where we do not believe God for what He does or can do, but for what He really is! God is far beyond miracles and wonders. He is God Himself, superfluous, humungous, omnipresent and omnipotent. We worship Him for what He is. Our faith needs to stand on Him.We may expect many things which God may or may not grant, but our faith should not be based on what He could offer. God is God, period!!
God, give me an attitude of faith where I trust in you and you alone. I know you have the best plans for me and help me accept whatever you have in store for me. Let me to look up to you and not on what you can offer. Amen
Posted by
John Manoah
2:15 PM
Labels: Attitude of Faith, Faith, Faith according to the Bible, Levels of Faith, Little Faith, Real Faith
Friday, February 1, 2008
A composite called Intercession
‘A composite is a product formed out of two other products’. Today we are going learn about a composite that Jesus taught when He was on His grand mission to earth. In John 14:12 Jesus made it clear that true faith in Him is doing more than what He did. That means what Jesus did was a sample and we ought to do more than what He did to save the world.
Of the many principles Jesus taught the two most important are
Love – In John 15:13 Jesus narrates what real love is। He says, ‘Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.’ There is a huge difference between the love the world teaches and practices with what the Bible teaches. Love today has acquired new meanings and has lost its value. But Jesus’ definition of love is to ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’. Very tough isn’t? It is very easy to love our dear ones. But how hard it is to love our neighbors that too if they are not worthy of it! In 1 Corinthians 12 Paul talks about all the spiritual gifts but concludes saying ‘...but let me show you the most excellent way’. He continues to emphasize in chapter 13 that love is greater than all things. Please note, Paul is talking about the same love Jesus taught. Jesus practiced the same love and went to the pivotal of love when He considered His life as nothing and stripped himself on the cross for this unworthy world. Love is the greatest gift of all!
Prayer – A tool to commune with God. Prayer increases our faith and gets us closer to God. Prayer gives us confidence and helps us face the world and escape the eyes of the evil one. Paul writes to Ephesians in 6:18 to keep on praying in the spirit. Well, do you realize that prayer is self centered? Don’t get mad at me…read on! Prayer is generally God and you. You put your requests to God, talk personally to God, thank God for all His mercies to you. Did you notice the “You”s in prayer. Prayer is usually where “God” and “I” are involved and that is what it is meant to be. In Mark 14:32, Jesus prays to God in the garden of Gethsemane. If you observe carefully the whole prayer is about Jesus himself and God, a typical example of what prayer is.
In school I remember learning Hydrogen combines with Oxygen to form water. Similarly Love (to love someone as you) and Prayer (talking with God) combine to form a new product called “Intercession”. When you talk to God for yourself you pray, but when you talk to God in prayer for someone else with Godly love, that’s Intercession.
In Luke 23:34 we see an excellent example of Intercession where Jesus intercedes on behalf of those who are crucifying Him, “Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing”. Today’s Christians do well in prayer, i.e. asking God for their personal needs. But little do they realize that prayer has a new dimension to it called Intercession. There is nothing wrong in praying for our personal needs, but it’s important we also intercede for others just as Jesus did on the cross. Love is powerful and so is Prayer. Could we make use of its combined avatar to profess God’s love to the world?
Lord Jesus, help me spend time interceding for others during my regular prayer time. Help me to stay committed and increase my time for intercession day by day. Amen.
Posted by
John Manoah
5:08 PM