Anger and stress – a combo that is so prevalent in today’s world. The technology world with its everyday significant advancements has also watered this combo along. It is something that is very common and many suffer from it not knowing how to manage anger, stress and frustration. What does the Bible say about anger management?
Many today think that being a child of God means getting hit by people and being a joker around because of their patience. John 2:14 talks about how Jesus got mad on seeing the money changers in the temple of God. He flared in so much anger that He made a whip out of ropes and chased them away overturning the their tables and scattering their money. Are you wondering how God himself can lose His temper? Well, it simply means that anger is fairly acceptable according to God. But the reason for the anger is what really counts. If the fruit of anger is acceptable before God, He acknowledges it. That’s why in proverbs 13:24 it says that a Father who withholds the cane from his son is his enemy. This verse makes complete sense if the Father's intention is to correct his son and the fruits of his anger are good.
Now that we have a free hand, we shouldn’t take advantage and lose our temper often. The Bible says in Ephesians 4:26 that “Let you anger subside before the setting of the sun”. If you have got mad on someone and if you feel that it’s for their good, stop feeling guilty and pray to God for their repentance. There are times we feel that our anger does not make sense. If that’s the case go ahead and apologize right away to the person with whom you have been mad. There’s so much joy when you bring a smile on someone once you apologize.
Relatives? – Anger has a whole bunch of relatives; Losing self control, psychic behavior, unfriendly words, enmity etc. The Bible treats anger as a sin because these creep along once you allow anger. We as God’s people should keep ourselves from getting into these and use anger for a good cause.
Control Measure? The only solution to your anger then would be the Word of God and Prayer. There is always a visible difference between people who meditate on the Word of God and spend time with God with the others who don’t. Though we all come under the name of God, those who have a constant relationship with God show a streak of uniqueness in their character. Psalm 119:105 says “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and light unto my path”. It’s only through His word that one can mould himself into the likeness of God.
So, have an everyday schedule of prayer and meditation on the Word. You would be surprised to find that over time specks of anger, frustration, stress, enmity, impatience and all that come along with it gradually disappearing. It’s a lengthy process and requires a lot of commitment…but when you do it faithfully the fruits would be so evident.
Lord Jesus, help me manage my anger according to Your Word. Give me the wisdom to handle life’s everyday problems. Thank you for your promises. Amen.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Anger Management
Posted by
John Manoah
10:17 AM
Labels: Anger, Anger according to the Bible, Anger management, frustration, God and anger, stress
Friday, January 25, 2008
Making a difference – Daniel 1
The book of Daniel starts with an unfortunate episode where it says, ‘the Lord delivered the king of Judah to Babylon’. If you look at the history behind, God always wanted the Israelites to be faithful to Him. But they very often failed and disappointed God by their transgressions. It was during the time of Jehoiakim that the Lord finally gave up and delivered them to a heathen king. It is obvious that during the conquest of Babylon, the Israelites were in the pinnacle of sins. II Kings 24:8 says that “He (Jehoiakim) did evil in the eyes of the Lord, just as his fathers had done”.
A kingdom under an evil king who had followed the evil of his fore-fathers- this was the prevailing scenario. People forgot God and His commandments and were deep down in sin. The later part of this chapter talks about a young handsome man named Daniel. I was so surprised when I read about Daniel because it was during such a state of ungodliness that Daniel still kept his faith in God. Though the Bible doesn’t tell about Daniel’s ancestry, it is surprising to know that He held on to God even when the people around him and the king sinned against God.
I’ve got a message for you! “It doesn’t mean where you are but it is what you are that costs” I could imagine how the youth during Jehoiakim’s rule would have transgressed. They would’ve invited Daniel to be a part of their fun. But Daniel watched his ways and trusted in God. That is why even when he was taken as an exile and was asked to serve a heathen king, he kept his stand to serve the King of Kings.
Today’s world is so alluring. Swanky gadgets, plush malls, fancy lifestyle, exuberant salaries and luxuries. There is nothing that could remind us of God. People who were faithful to God in their little have started fading away from God as their luxuries increased. My question to you today is “What are you today?” An entangled slave of what the world is or a person who makes a difference however the world is?
Look at Daniel! He kept his cool, walked in His ways ignoring how the others were. In further chapters down there comes a situation when the King decreed that no one should worship any other god (6:7). I like the verse which says “When Daniel learnt about this he prayed three times a day as usual”. Remember, Daniel had grown in his status and was in a high position in the kingdom. I am still amazed that his progress in status, money or fame, nothing shook his foundation in his God.
Shouldn’t we be making a difference in today’s world? We can’t blame the world for our callousness. It high time we get back on the highway with God!
Lord, forgive me for my carelessness. Please help me to have the first love and make a difference to everyone around me. Amen
Posted by
John Manoah
8:23 AM
Labels: Bible, Daniel in Bible, John Manoah, Living for God in this mordern world, Making a difference
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Making God answer our prayers – Isaiah 58:6
Isaiah, one of the famous prophets of the Bible, gets a revelation from God about fasting and prayer. The people of Israel had developed a custom to fast on a particular day in a week. Over the years the meaning of fasting was lost but the tradition was mundane. But people always had a feeling why God does not answer prayers even after following a strict fasting schedule. It is at this period that God speaks through Isaiah in 58:6.
God gives a different perspective to what fasting could mean. I was deeply touched by this chapter because it reminded me of how we today have forgotten the real meaning of our relation with God. We read the Bible and pray everyday and fast once a week. But are we doing it as a custom or with a meaning? Shouldn’t we meditate the word of God instead of reading? Shouldn’t we commune to God through prayer instead of expression of mere words? Shouldn’t we be spreading the fragrance of Christ instead of just being content with the mundane Christian activities?
Hear what God speaks through Isaiah:
"6 Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen:
to loose the chains of injustice
and untie the cords of the yoke,
to set the oppressed free
and break every yoke?
7 Is it not to share your food with the hungry
and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter—
when you see the naked, to clothe him,
and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?
8 Then your light will break forth like the dawn,
and your healing will quickly appear;
then your righteousness [a] will go before you,
and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard.
9 Then you will call, and the LORD will answer;
you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I. "
God declares that it’s when we do good to others passionately, He will answer us. I love the words that say ‘then He will say, “Here am I”’. What a privilege? Today’s hi-tech jobs provide flamboyant salaries and exorbitant raises. Could we share a little of what we earn to the needy so that our spirituality makes sense?
Lord, thank you for reminding me what I ought to do for you to hear me when I call. Help me to give meaning to my relationship with you by fulfilling your desires as in Isaiah 58:6. Help me to do it with all my heart. Amen.
If you are touched by this passage you could start your first step by sponsoring a child with World Vision India. More details on their website Please note that I am not an ambassador for WV … I’m a sponsor and feel that it’s a divine ministry to make a difference in a child in need.
Posted by
John Manoah
8:44 AM
Labels: blogs, Helping Poor, John Manoah, Making God answer our prayers, Real Christianity, real fasting, What is God's love?, World Vision, World Vision India
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The Word of God – Psalms 119:96
One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Psalms 119:96. I used to write this verse on the first page of my books during my school days. It goes like this, “To every perfection I see a limit, but your commands are boundless”. The Word of God is boundless which means that no one can comprehend the depth of it. It’s so evident because the Bible is taught in the Sunday class for toddlers. The same book is read in the youth meets. Every Christian gathering involves studying the Word. It’s researched in Bible Colleges by Philosophers and Theists. Yet no one has ever declared that the Bible could be completed.
Ø Historical Treasure – No book in the world has ever been able to track 5000 years of history. The other greatest marvel is that it is written by various authors in their times and when put together it still falls exactly on the timeline.
Ø Practical – Many computer books get outdated in no less than a year. One needs to keep himself updated about the current trends almost everyday or else he might be treated out dated. But the Bible, though written centuries back, still applies to the current lifestyle. It would also be so forever in future.
Ø A New perspective – Another awesome aspect is that you could read one portion of the Bible as many times as your want yet it would reveal a new perspective every time you read. That is why we could find so many books in the Christian store all of which would talk about a few selected topics but revealed different to various people.
Ø Complete book for time – A book that talks about the creation, salvation, death and the eternal destiny of man
Ø Records – The Bible is the most read, most translated, most versioned oldest book ever in history.
Such a valuable treasure is readily available in our hands. Technology and Management books cost a bomb nowadays. But the greatest book of all times, I believe, is there with us now and forever. Shouldn’t we make the best use of it?
Lord Jesus, help us to know the value of this wonderful book that You have given to us. Thank you for talking to us through your Word. Let us make our lives better by meditating on your word everyday. Amen.
Posted by
John Manoah
7:31 AM
Labels: Awesome Bible, Bethel AG, Bible, Bible Insights for today's techies by John Manoah, Word of God
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
God in Control of Future, Present and Past – Psalms 86
The psalmist here writes the poem in midst of calamity when a band of enemies were chasing after him for his life. David is referred as God’s dear son because he never forsook the Lord in times of trouble. He accepted tribulations with a sheer confidence that God is in total control and His promise never misses the mark. This psalm is a great example for his confidence in His Maker.
V7 – In the time of trouble I WILL call you for you WILL answer me
V10 – You ARE great and do marvelous deeds
V13 – You HAVE delivered me from the depths of the grave
David’s heart was after the Lord because he had confidence in Him. Many a times we fall depressed doubting God’s protection. But we may fail to understand that He has promised to be with us. Our God has control over our Future because He controls our Present and that is so evident by His marvelous deeds in our Past.
Lord Jesus, help us to understand your might and that You are in full control of my Future, Present and the Past. Help us put our confidence in You like your servant David did. Amen.
Posted by
John Manoah
1:50 PM
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Obeying our earthly masters – Nehemiah 1:11
Nehemiah, an exile from Jerusalem, was a cup-bearer to King Xerses. His job was cool and was kept in high esteem. He was the most trusted person in the kingdom. He attended the king at his table. Nehemiah had to listen to everything that the king discusses in the dining table. The king was also aware of it but trusted Nehemiah.
As he was happily enjoying his comforts and passing his days in glee, he was visited by Hanani, his cousin from Jerusalem. With his usual charm Nehemiah inquired about his people back in Jerusalem. Hanani couldn’t resist and broke opened the state of distress prevailing in Jerusalem. He cried that the walls were broken and the gates were burnt, an answer Nehemiah least expected to hear. He fasted and prayed for a few days.
His prayer (1:11) is something which we need to learn a lot from. He asks God to help him find favor in the eyes of the king. Now the king he refers to is a heathen king. Why should Nehemiah request the king when he knows the God he serves is greater than the king? It’s only because he chose to obey his earthly master, though he is a heathen king. Paul emphasizes in Romans 13:1-2 that we should submit ourselves to the governing authorities.
Just as he prayed, the king granted him his request (2:8). It may be hard for some of us to submit to an earthly master be it your boss, your team leader or manager. We may sometimes feel on top just because we are sons and daughters of the most high King. But we need to understand that we could never please our heavenly master without pleasing our earthly master. Children should submit to their parents, wives to their husbands, team members to their leaders, church members to their Pastors, school children to their teachers and so on.
Jesus, today we pray that you set our hearts to be submissive to the elders around us as we submit to you. Give us the humility to understand, accept and obey our earthly masters. Amen
Posted by
John Manoah
9:24 AM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Curses, Watch out! 1 Samuel 21
This chapter deals on how David escaped from Saul’s prowl and reached Nob. There he meets Ahimelech, the priest. David does not reveal his actual situation but lies to him that he is on a secret mission from the king. So Ahimelech welcomes him, gives him bread and also the sword of Goliath since David did not have a sword for himself. This whole incident is being watched by Doeg another warrior in Saul’s army.
Later when David left, Saul came in search of him to Nob and Doeg narrated the entire incident. Saul flared with anger and inquired Ahimelech. Ahimelech explained why he helped David but Saul was not convinced. Saul ordered all the priests and their families, including children, to be killed. Are you able to digest what Saul did to the priest and his family?
This is nothing but the curse of God upon the generation of Eli’s sons who sinned against God in His Holy Temple. Their sin was so great in God’s sight (1 Samuel 2:17), God cursed Eli’s generation that all his descendants would die in the prime of their life (1 Samuel 2:33) which means that no one in their family would grow old. Ahimelech was in the same family line and honestly helped David achieve his mission in whatever way he could. But the curse of his fore-fathers was upon him and his family. Ahimelech and his innocent children had to die to fulfill God’s curse!
Isn’t it amazing how we need to watch our lives? If only Eli and his sons had lived carefully his generations would not have to suffer. We need to understand that our God is not only a God who blesses but also who curses if we grieve Him. We need to make sure we live a holy life atleast for the sake of our children.
Dear Lord, please help us to carefully live according to your word so that we don’t stack up curses for our children but keep blessings for them. Please wash us so that we are pure as snow. Amen.
Posted by
John Manoah
10:54 PM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Saul to Paul because of one Diligent prayer– Acts 8
The name of Saul first appears in Acts 8:1 where he is found witnessing Stephen’s death. The previous chapter talks about how Stephen stood before the Sanhedrin and gave a long speech about who the real Messiah is. When Stephen saw the vision of Jesus standing next to God, the people could no longer bear it. They dragged him out and stoned him to death. Knowingly or unknowingly, they put their clothes under the feet of Saul who was watching over the whole incident.
Even at his last moments of pain, Stephen still prayed the prayer of Jesus Christ at the cross of Calvary (Luke 23:34). When they found that Stephen is dead, the entire Sanhedrin sighed a breath of relief. They were proud about the accomplishment of bringing the spreading of Gospel to an end. But little did they know that Stephen’s last minute prayer changed the history of the early Church of God. His powerful intercession and sacrifice had to move God and the Heavens took notice of it. God’s eyes fell on Saul, the person who witnessed the death of Stephen the great Martyr.
Later if you read in chapter 9, the Bible says “Saul was still breathing out murderous threats…” and initiated another attempt to kill the ministers of God in Damascus. Then a series of events took place on his way to Damascus and Saul gave his life to the Lord and was transformed to a new creation named Paul.
Diligent prayers are powerful…they may not be long with fancy words and adoration. But it attracts the attention of God and He is sure to answer our prayers. We may think God left the prayer unattended because He didn’t magically make Stephen disappear or miraculously help Stephen bear the stoning. Stephen had to die as a Martyr, but his sacrifice sprouted a new revival in the form of Paul who, the Bible, says, “And Saul was there giving approval to his (Stephen) death”.
Lord Jesus, help us understand the power of diligent prayers. You can never forsake honest prayers and that you will surely answer it in some way or the other. Give us the attitude of Stephen to forgive others who are persecuting us so that at least one among the persecutors would become a mighty source of your gospel. Amen
Posted by
John Manoah
7:59 AM